Organ Donation Registration
It’s important to discuss your preferences regarding posthumous organ donation with your healthcare proxy and loved ones. As with all end-of-life care decision making, it is extremely difficult for your…
It’s important to discuss your preferences regarding posthumous organ donation with your healthcare proxy and loved ones. As with all end-of-life care decision making, it is extremely difficult for your…
“Dead Donor Rule” Judaism supports posthumous organ donation. But before a family or hospital staff can discuss organ donation, we must first confirm that the patient has died. Ethicists around…
The following 4 propositions are true: Judaism supports blood donation. It saves lives. Judaism supports bone-marrow donation. It saves lives. Judaism supports live altruistic organ donation, such as kidneys. It…
Welcome to Option 18, the organ donor education initiative of Ematai. In Jewish culture, the number 18 symbolizes life (in Hebrew, חי, chai). The numbers 1 and 8 also symbolize…
What Does Judaism Say About Blood Donation, Bone Marrow Donation, and Living Organ Donation? Judaism supports blood donation. It saves lives. Judaism supports bone-marrow donation. It saves lives. Judaism supports…