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Counseling Tools for Rabbis

One of the most difficult yet meaningful responsibilities facing rabbis is to counsel families struggling with aging, end-of-life care, and bereavement.  

Through our collaborations with other organizations, Ematai is committed to providing continuing education classes to assist rabbis in this crucial skill.

Areas to be covered include:

  1. Speaking to aging congregants about the importance of confronting their mortality when they are relatively healthy, including giving them tools and ideas toward meaningful and productively living.
  2. Helping members and their families cope with illness and the accompanying physical and emotional stress.
  3. Gently helping patients with acute illness to make decisions for themselves regarding healthcare options in the face of an uncertain prognosis.
  4. Bereavement counseling at the time of death, shiva, and beyond. 
  5. Meaningful ideas to utilize yahrzeits and Yizkor toward helping people positively confront human mortality.

If you have any programming requests or suggestions, please contact us and we’ll be happy to set up a conversation. 

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