Tisha B’Av is a fast and day of communal mourning that commemorates the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash (Temple) in Jerusalem. Communities commonly recite Kinot, or elegies, about the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash as well as other communal Jewish tragedies throughout history.
This year, Ematai has prepared a memorial poster with the names of the victims of October 7th and the Iron Swords War. The names are accompanied by the powerful line of Kina 38, “Rise and let us cry, and shed a sea of tears, which will flow like rivers from my eyes to yours.”
This 36 x48 sized poster can be printed at your local print shop and hung up in your synagogue or community center. It is our hope that the poster serves as a powerful and meaningful symbol of what the Jewish people are mourning this Tisha B’Av.