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Memorial Prayers

We Remember Poster

We have prepared a special 36×48 size memorial poster with the names of those who have been killed on and after October 7th in Israel alongside the special memorial prayer for them. The poster is up to date as of June 4, 2024.

The poster can be hung in your synagogue or community center and serves as a powerful reminder of all those who were killed.

Please download the poster using the document below and print it at your local print shop.

Yizkor Supplement

Yizkor, the memorial prayer, is recited on Pesach, Shavuot, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot.

Ematai has prepared a special Yizkor supplement with four prayers:

  • A new Yizkor composed by Lt. Col. Shai Abramson, chief cantor of the IDF, honoring those lost in the current conflict
  • Rinat Yisrael’s Yizkor tefilla for those killed in defense of Israel and in terror attacks throughout Israel’s history
  • Yizkor for all Holocaust victims
  • A tefilla for living relatives in recognition of the fragility and blessing of life

The Yizkor tefillot are followed by a list of all victims of October 7 and the Iron Swords war as of June 4, 2024.

You can download the Yizkor supplement below.

To receive information about any updates to the Yizkor supplement, please complete this form.

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