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Leading With Your Values Series

A Series on Advance Planning in Partnership with Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington

The first lecture in the Leading With Your Values series took place on January 28, 2024. Dr. Daphna Raskas spoke about “Legacy Letters: Bequeathing Your Values, Not Just Your Valuables.” You can watch the recording here.

The second lecture took place on February 25, 2024. Rabbi Brody spoke about about “How to Complete a Halachic Living Will.” You can watch the recording here. Download your own copy of Netivot, Ematai’s advance directive, here.

The third lecture took place on March 31, 2024. Rabbi Brody spoke about “End-of-Life Care: Halachic Information You Should Know.” You can watch the recording here.

The fourth lecture will be Sunday, June 9th at 10AM ET. You can register for the Zoom link here.

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