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Halacha in Healthcare Settings

Join Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner weekly on Monday’s at 8:30PM ET for a chabura (advanced class) based on the Nishmat Avraham by Rabbi Dr. Avraham S. Abraham.

The series will be given in person at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park or on Zoom at http://tiny.cc/medhal.

Learn halacha from primary sources addressing common situations in healthcare settings following the seder of Shulchan Aruch Orech Chaim.

The chabura is intended for healthcare professionals and anyone else interested in this fascinating topic. Each session will address a different topic and no advance preparation is necessary. Source sheets, including the original Hebrew text of the Nishmat Avraham, are provided.


To receive updates, information, and reminders about the chabura please pre-register. For any questions, please e-mail office@ematai.org.


You can access the source materials here.

October 30, 2023 Davening vs. Taking Care of Patients

November 20, 2023 – Davening vs Taking Care of Patients (Part 2)

November 27, 2023 – Davening vs Taking Care of Patients (Part 3)

December 11, 2023 – Davening vs Taking Care of Patients (Part 4)

December 18, 2023 – Davening vs Taking Care of Patients (Part 5)

December 25, 2023 – Davening After an All Night Shift

January 1, 2024 – Davening After an All Night Shift (Part 2)

January 1, 2024 – Interrupting a Meal for Patient Care

January 15, 2024 – Davening in Unclean Spaces

January 22, 2024 – Davening in Unclean Spaces (Part 2)

January 29, 2024 – Davening in Unclean Spaces (Part 3)

February 5, 2024 – Davening in Unclean Spaces (Part 5)

February 19, 2024 – The Controversial Berachah on Medical Treatment

February 26, 2024 – Davening for Cholim – Personalizing Refaeinu

February 26, 2024 – Davening for Cholim – Shem uMalchut

March 4, 2024 – Davening for Cholim – Part 4

March 11, 2024 – Davening for Cholim – Part 5

March 18, 2024 – Davening for Cholim When Hope is Lost

April 1, 2024 – Birkat HaGomel

May 6, 2024 – Shabbat Candles in the Hospital

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